You are a creator. You create with every thought. What are you thinking? Become Aware. The Mind Matters…

Access Your Subconscious Mind
Enjoy the benefits of increased peace of mind and a better ability to cope with life’s challenges. Create behavioral changes by learning how to access the awesome power of your subconscious mind. Embrace life with renewed optimism, increased confidence and a positive outlook.

Emotional Freedom & Meridian Therapy
Balance Your Energy Body
Learn a remarkably effective tool to bring peace and harmony into your life by balancing disruptions in the body’s energy field. By using a simple tapping procedure aimed at meridian points, you can literally eliminate negative emotions and physical pain. You can leave the past behind.

Therapeutic Imagery
Use Your Mindsight
Therapeutic Imagery is an ancient and powerful way of healing that allows you to access unique and insightful information through images, the language of the emotional right brain. Like lucid or directed dreaming, Imagery is a tool to explore your inner wisdom and receive guidance.

Accept Universal Healing Energy
Experience a combination of two powerful methods of healing. With hypnotic induction to help you to relax, you are better able to accept and allow the benefits of Reiki. Connect with Universal Source Energy to recharge and refresh the essence that is you.

Hello! I’m Patricia
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Reiki/Energy Healer, Initiated Shaman, Metaphysical Counselor
It makes my heart happy to share my message with you about how I can help you to become your very best self.
I work with invisible things. Things like your thoughts, perceptions and beliefs. I work with your emotions and your energetic biofield. Your outside world is a reflection of your inner thoughts.
Your subconscious mind makes the invisible become visible. Your subconscious mind stores your perception of reality, which is based upon nothing more than what you believe to be true. Every one of us has a different reality based on what we have experienced and what we have been “programmed” to believe.
Our programming begins at birth and each one of us gets our own unique experience. Your subconscious mind creates your limitations. It also creates your belief in what IS possible …and what IS NOT possible in that reality. I help you to access your subconscious mind and your power to create a new reality.
Are you thinking about what you want? Or about what you don’t want? If you don’t control the focus of your thoughts, you create your life by default. You will receive exactly what you are thinking about. You choose the focus of your thoughts. You choose your reality.
Is there anything you could start doing? Or stop doing? Or maybe do differently? Are you ready to create a better, more-fulfilling life…to create a new reality?
Would you like to let go of self-perceived limitations and allow yourself to become the very best you? It may seem a bit overwhelming, but you don’t need to do it by all by yourself. Do what top athletes, superstars and the super successful do. Accept the help of a trained professional with many, many years of experience and a proven record of success. Invest in yourself. I can help. I know things you may not know. And I’m a good teacher.
My Expertise
With my guidance, you can create change in your life.
Self-Actualization & Self-Love
Health & Wellness
Confidence & Self-Esteem
Motivation & Goal Achievement
Prosperity & Financial Success
Relationship Success
Body Image & Weight Mastery
Release of Fears & Phobias
Release of Anxiety
Recovery from Trauma & Grief
Metaphysical Counseling
Clear Energetic Blocks
Past Life Regression
Enjoy this Gift from Patricia.
Experience a Visit to The Island of Serenity.
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