Patricia Lynn Belkowitz, M.Msc., C.Ht., EFT



What is a sanctuary? The dictionary offers three definitions. They are: 1. a sacred or holy place; 2. a place that offers protection; 3. a hiding place. Although it is wonderful to visit sacred places such as shrines, temples and churches, a sanctuary does not need to be a physical place. To find refuge and retreat from the outside world, we can simply go within to our own sacred place of being. When we allow ourselves to be in a state of mindful awareness, we are able to create a safe haven for ourselves. Just like a child finding cover in a secret hiding place, we are able to be alone with our thoughts.

You build your sanctuary with your imagination and past experiences. Everything you’ve ever experienced is available to you. And you can add the entire catalog of images and emotions you have experienced through photographs, movies and books. Your subconscious mind records every event and emotion. When sharing memories with a friend, have you ever had the experience of their recalling a different story of the event? They may embellish things that you found unremarkable or remember someone else’s actions in a different manner. That’s because our most vivid memories are most strongly connected to our own individual emotions.

When you are mindful of the details during the experience, you are more easily able to re-experience them in your imagination. Just think the memory and you will feel the emotion. In fact, our strongest memories are associated with our strongest emotions – good or bad. Your body/mind doesn’t know the difference between what you imagine and what you perceive to be reality. For the purpose of creating a sanctuary, obviously, your focus is on the past good memories.

Once you have taken the time to build your sanctuary, it’s like a full-time vacation property…a second home. And everything you need is there waiting for you. There is no need to pack. There is no need to book a reservation or deal with airport security. It’s almost as good as using the Star Trek transporter and being “beamed” to your destination. Your travel time is brief. Your vehicle is familiar and comfortable. You are simply transported to your sanctuary by focused breathing. It is a dreamship powered by your imagination.

There is no start-up building cost or minimum monthly fees to maintain your sanctuary. The only cost involved is your time. In as little as 15 minutes per day spent visiting your sanctuary, you will notice a difference in your life! You may experience reduced stress and anxiety, better tolerance to pain, improved well-being and a more positive attitude about your life.

Perhaps you feel that you are very busy and already have too much to do. Perhaps you’re thinking, “Why do I need a sanctuary? And what do I do while I’m there?” You need do nothing while in your sanctuary. It is a time to be a human being rather than a human doing. It is a place where you allow yourself to dream and flow and create. It is an opportunity to grow and focus on the good in your life.

Studies show that concentrated, focused breathing is beneficial to your health. It may reduce hypertension, heart disease and other stress-related diseases and actually help you to maintain a healthy weight. Taking time to focus on your well-being makes you more productive and better able to concentrate and solve problems. Allowing time for yourself allows you to be more kind and loving to others. Visiting your sanctuary helps you to create a sacred space in a very hectic world.

Building a sanctuary is a joyful process. Visiting it often is even more joyful. Let go of any limiting thoughts that tell you that you don’t have 15 minutes every day to go within. If you need help getting started, I’ve mastered the process and I’d be happy to show you the way. It’s a delightful experience. And it’s really easy. Because when building your sanctuary, there are no limitations. Except, of course, the ones you create.