Patricia Lynn Belkowitz, M.Msc., C.Ht., EFT

The Neighborhood

  A voice was silenced this week. A voice fueled by anguish and pain. Chester Bennington, a singer and songwriter who was the front man for the group Linkin Park, was found dead by suicide at the age of 41. Chester led a troubled life which included drug and...

Being You

  You don’t have a choice. Everyone else is taken. You need to be you. But, what does that mean? To be authentically you, you need to be true to your own personality, spirit, or character. You need to be sincere in your words and actions. I think it means to be...

Once Every Year

  You probably didn’t. But about 814,000 other people in the United States celebrated a special day with me.  On another day you will celebrate a special day too, because each one of us has our own special holiday. It’s a day that is set aside once a year to...

Measuring Up

   “The real contest is always between what you’ve done and what you’re capable of doing. You measure yourself against yourself and nobody else.”     ~ Geoffrey Gaberino. When we measure something or someone, we judge, evaluate and rate. We scrutinize in order to...

Agreeing To Be Married

  A lot of weddings will take place this month. Did you know that there are more weddings in June than any other month? Did you ever wonder why? The tradition has been around since the Roman Empire. June is named after the Roman goddess Juno, who was considered...

Comfort Zone

When we try new things or do something that is outside of our comfort zone, we often feel fearful. Sometimes it helps to understand the fear, when the feeling that creates it is given a name. In 1978, two American psychologists, Pauline Clance and Suzanne Imes, gave...