Nov 23, 2009 | Hypnotherapy
“50% to 70% of people who have tried it, say hypnosis has helped them to feel better or heal faster.” ~ Benedict Carey in a Los Angeles Times article dated January 5, 2004.
Nov 23, 2009 | Hypnotherapy
In the September 27, 2004 issue of Newsweek, Dr. David Spiegel, professor and associate chair of psychiatry at Stanford University School of Medicine, and a leading expert on the practice of hypnosis says “One of the interesting ironies about hypnosis is that old...
Nov 23, 2009 | Hypnotherapy, Weight Management
Breaking the Emotional Eating Cycle Are you reaching for cookies or ice cream when you feel lonely, stressed or upset? There is a biological reason we reach for sweets when we’re feeling low. Elizabeth Somer, R.D., in her book Food & Mood says “The very...
Nov 3, 2009 | Creativity, Hypnotherapy
I am an artist. I create as a means of expressing my thoughts, feelings and ideas. I create as a means of sharing. Art is a powerful and effective form of communication. We all need to communicate. We all need to share our feelings. We all need art. The need to make...
Nov 3, 2009 | Hypnotherapy, Pain Management
“Chronic pain is a problem that has reached near epidemic proportions,” said Edward Covington, M.D., director of the Chronic Pain Rehabilitation Program at the Cleveland Clinic. “The ‘can do, can cope’ spirit of Americans can lead to untreated...
Nov 3, 2009 | Hypnotherapy, Pain Management
In studies about how the human brain and nervous system work, Dr. Kenneth Casey, a professor of neurology at the University of Michigan and a neurology consultant to the VA Health Care System in Ann Arbor states that “the brain has mechanisms to directly control what...