Patricia Lynn Belkowitz, M.Msc., C.Ht., EFT

Cell biologist, research scientist and former Stanford medical school professor, Dr. Bruce Lipton, author of Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter, & Miracles, says that our genes are nothing more than a blueprint. He states that our thoughts can activate changes in the activity of the cell membrane, and thus alter our health and our life. In fact, he states bluntly that by changing our subconscious programming we can influence cell membrane function. Lipton says, “Genes are remarkable molecules, but they are only blueprints that are activated by signals from the cell membrane”, and therefore, “we are not victims of our genes, but masters of our fate.”

This research about the processes by which cells receive information may radically change our understanding of life. It shows that DNA is controlled by environmental signals from outside the cell, including the energetic messages emanating from our subconscious mind in the form of positive and negative thoughts. The cell’s membrane, Lipton says, is where “consciousness and matter interact”. Considered to be a major breakthrough in cell biology and quantum physics, this research shows that our bodies can be changed when we change our thoughts.

The mystic healer Edgar Cayce once said, “Remember that thoughts are things, and as their currents run, they can become crimes or miracles.”

If our genes are a blueprint, our mind is the contractor. What kind of a body have you built? Are you healthy? Are you physically fit? Is it time for a re-model? I can help you to access your most powerful tool…your subconscious mind. Are you ready to do some trance-formational work? It all begins with a thought. The Mind Matters.