Patricia Lynn Belkowitz, M.Msc., C.Ht., EFT




Are you content? Or are you unsatisfied with the way things are? Do you want more? Do you believe “the one with the most toys wins”? Sometimes when we are in a state of wanting more, we become oblivious to the good that is happening in our lives. We feel as if we are lacking something. We can get distracted by thinking about what we don’t have and then we forget about all that we do have.

Lao Tzu was an ancient Chinese philosopher and writer. He is known to be the founder of Taoism.  His wisdom has served as guidance for centuries. One of the things he often wrote about was contentment. He referred to contentment as “the greatest treasure”. Being content is defined as a state of happiness and satisfaction; a place of peace and wellbeing.  Lao Tzu also advised to, “Be content with what you have, rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.”

Being content is being grateful for what is. It’s about being satisfied with what you have achieved…so far. Look around your home. Everything there is a fulfillment of your wishes. Yes, everything…even the old sofa. You may have wished for that sofa many years ago. And yes, now you may wish for a new one. But remember that the old sofa represents your wishes. It represents the fulfillment of your needs. Continue to feel the pleasure derived from this. That pleasure is gratitude for what is. That gratitude leads to contentment. If you are feeling unsatisfied with your sofa when it looks lumpy, consider that the lumps were created by the sofa’s service to your needs. It has held and supported you through many years. And then consider this: global statistics show that if you have a roof over your head covering that sofa, you are richer than 93% of the world’s population! Are you feeling content yet?

You may feel that you are lacking some things in your life. You may be. But, I’d like you to focus on what you are not lacking. You are a powerful being, capable of achieving whatever you believe you can achieve. You are worthy of success, love and happiness. Your life experience is a result of the choices you have made. Choices based on your beliefs about the way things are. Because you are a powerful being, you are capable of making new choices…better choices…choices which encourage your contentment and wellbeing.

Being unsatisfied is not always a bad thing. You won’t make progress if you don’t get unsatisfied from time to time. It is a necessary and temporary condition. Recognize that when you are not satisfied with the way things are, you have the power to change that. Those changes can result in your growth and contentment.

May you feel as if the whole world belongs to you. Because it does.