Patricia Lynn Belkowitz, M.Msc., C.Ht., EFT



On January 31, 2018 we will experience a Blue Moon. A Blue Moon happens when two full moons occur in the same month. Both the full moon on January 1 and January 31 are considered Supermoons, which means the moon is at its closest point to Earth. This makes the full moon appear to be brighter and larger. In addition, there will also be a Total Lunar Eclipse visible in the western United States on January 31st. This eclipse creates a Blood Moon because of its reddish tinge when the moon is completely bathed in Earth’s shadow.

Why am I telling you about moons? All of these cosmic occurrences affect our emotional sensitivities. When our emotions are more amplified during this time, it is important to practice patience and kindness with ourselves and others.

The moon has an influence on the ocean and its tides, the growth of fruits and vegetables (in a biodynamic farm, planting is done in accordance with the lunar and solar cycles). It also has an influence on our own bodies and minds. Studies show that we may experience insomnia because our melatonin levels are lower at the full moon. Many people comment that they are more accident prone, emotional, or erratic at this time

ABC News reported “Studies have found that cops and hospital workers are among the strongest believers in the notion that more crime and trauma occur on nights when the moon is full . . . Dr. David Mandell of the Children’s Hospital in Pittsburgh and some colleagues studied existing data on health-care myths and did a 2005 study of area nurses. He said he found that 69 percent of surgical nurses in his study believed that a full moon led to more chaos and patients that night.”

Many people are noting impatience at work, at home and with themselves. This causes excessive frustration and disruption in our feelings and behaviors. When being impatient with people or situations becomes a habit, we become less resilient. We become more intolerant. When we are intolerant, we are unable to adapt to the changing conditions of our life. Our stress is amplified.

When we practice patience and kindness, we create powerful heart energies that radiate into the environment. This can help calm erratic emotional energies. Kindness can open the hearts of others. When hearts are open, there is a connection to each other. This connection promotes a feeling of security. Patience allows us to manage stressful situations that are outside of our control. Traffic jams and difficult people are not going to disappear. But your reaction to them can change. Frustration can become acceptance.

Personal and planetary chaos happens. When we practice patience and kindness, we are able to deal with uncertainty with more grace and ease. With intention and desire, you can make that choice. It will become self-evident that patience plays an important part in your mental, emotional and physical wellbeing.

The Global Care Initiative suggests that we practice the following care focus exercise during this time of cosmic upheaval. Do this in order to help yourself. Do this not only for your self, but also for your fellow travelers on Planet Earth.

 “As you breathe, radiate love to someone, a pet, or a place you love for a minute or two. This opens your heart more and increase the effectiveness of your care focus.

Now, breathe in the feelings of patience, kindness and ease through your emotional system. This helps to increase the connection with your heart’s intuitive solutions and directions. (Doing this often throughout the day strengthens your practice of patience and clearer reasoning.)

Now visualize people across the world practicing these qualities of love – patience, kindness, inner ease and compassion. Hold the vision of heart-centered global cooperation.

Let’s close by holding in our compassionate heart, all those experiencing hardships on this planet. Let your heart direct where this care is needed.”

I’ll remind you that when you are radiating thoughts of love, patience and kindness…make sure to include yourself! Open up your heart. Love yourself. Go dance in the moonlight.  You’ll create your own cosmic influence.