Patricia Lynn Belkowitz, M.Msc., C.Ht., EFT

The concept of the chakras (a Sanskrit word which translates as wheel or vortex) has been in existence since before recorded history. The chakras are points of energy transformation. They absorb, filter and distribute vitality to the Etheric Body as well as the Physical Body. The original seven chakras map logically onto the body through the nerve ganglia. Think of the chakras as cones or spirals, being tornado shaped. Visualize the wider end being a whirling concave disc and the point of the cone penetrating the spinal cord. Imagine that this cone extends from both the back and the front of the body.

The chakras extend through the body and are rooted in a central energy channel running up the subtle body (Etheric), which connects all the chakras. The chakras are all interdependent. If one energy center is shut down, the others will compensate in maintaining the life force. This central energy channel, which roughly corresponds to the spinal column, is called the sushumna.

Along the left side of the sushumna is a channel of feminine, or moon energy, called the ida, which is receptive in nature. To the right side of the sushumna is the pingala, a channel of masculine, more outward sun energy. The intertwining nadis meet at the Third Eye Chakra. Imagine the symbol of the allopathic medicine profession – the Caduceus of Hermes – two snakes intertwined around a central column ending at a winged center.

The chakras comprise various levels of awareness, activity and energetic charge. The lower chakras are magnetic energy, whereas the upper chakras are electrical energy. The lower three chakras, below the diaphragm, are feminine in that their function is specifically receptive, taking in energy from the earth and the environment. The upper four chakras are known as masculine chakras because they are concerned with giving energy out in the form of love, communication, healthy attitudes and inner reflection.

The chakras draw prana or vitality into the Extended Energy Body. Proper, focused breathing and meditation techniques cause increased amounts of prana to enter and flow and thereby, increase the power of healing, balance and well-being. In Sanskrit, prana means “absolute energy”. It is the force that pervades all being, connecting all living things and all energy matter. When there is an excess or deficiency in prana flowing through a given center or through all centers, an imbalance occurs which manifests in discomfort or disease in a form that depends on which chakra or chakras are out of harmony.

Balance is well-being. Disharmony is disease. The seen is dependent on the unseen. Earthly physical disease or health is affected by both mass and energy. Healing takes place on all levels of the Extended Energy Body before well-being on the physical earth plane manifests.