Your subconscious mind is ruled by faith. This faith is created by years of believing in the way things are. This is not necessarily truth, but rather it is individual belief based on particular life experiences. Your subconscious mind responds to the orders you give it based upon what your conscious mind believes and accepts to be true. Your personal subconscious memory bank decides what to expect. If you have experienced failure, your subconscious will come to expect failure, unless the memories can be cleared and new expectations programmed.
Clearing the negative accumulation in your memory bank affects conscious reactions to new life experiences. Using self-hypnosis, you can choose to direct your conscious mind to use the faculties of your subconscious mind to create new beliefs. These beliefs create a thought vibration which attracts similar experiences. Over time and repetition, these beliefs and their demonstration create faith. Napoleon Hill states in Think & Grow Rich that “Faith is a state of mind which may be induced or created by affirmation or the repeated instructions to the subconscious mind, through the principle of auto-suggestion…Repetition of affirmations of orders to your subconscious mind is the only known method of voluntary development of the emotion of faith”.
Faith has many levels. When your subconscious mind is convinced, it begins to act. So it is important that you make sure your subconscious mind believes the right things. Faith is based on past experiences and the best knowledge available at the time. Realistic faith determines what can be believed, however, it may be self-limiting based on that knowledge. For example, limitations are realistic based on factors outside of the individual’s control. A man of six feet tall cannot realistically expect to become a jockey, so his faith is limited. Positive faith is the way a situation is approached with optimism, hope and faith in the possibilities. Active faith can be demonstrated and proven when an individual takes action based on positive, realistic, limited faith. This level of faith is exhibited in self-confidence and a positive belief in yourself and your abilities to accomplish goals.
Your subconscious mind allows you to travel through time and space in order to make decisions which are best for your self-actualization. Remember, the mind doesn’t know the difference between what is imagined and what is perceived to be reality. When your subconscious is convinced, these things become real to you. When you challenge the boundaries of your reality, you increase your faith in what you believe to be true or possible. Dan Custer, in his book, The Miracle of Mind Power, says, “You are the center of your experience. Your world of experience is formed and given direction by you. You are the point of your own individual thinking; inspired by your desires, planned by your imagination and brought into experience by your belief or your faith. The universal law of mind brings your experiences into shape and form according to the way you think in your heart.”
You are able to program yourself to stop doing something, start doing something, or do something differently. By directing your thoughts, you create an action which elicits a response and reaction from your subconscious mind. Without direction, there is no action. The subconscious is a vehicle. Conscious guidance and faith are necessary to drive the vehicle to the desired destination. It is vital to understand that each individual is limited only by their beliefs. There are no limitations, there is only limited thinking! Although the conscious mind is limited by our faith, the individual subconscious/subjective part of us is linked with the collective Superconscious. Being Universal, this subjective part of us is without limit.
The objective/conscious mind deals with the outside world and the physical state of being within it. The greatest function of the conscious mind is reasoning. This function is based on your beliefs about what you’ve observed, or your objective/individual perception of reality. The most influential source of these beliefs comes from the knowns in your subconscious mind. A known is something that has been learned or experienced before; one understands it and is comfortable with it. Positive and negative knowns create your lifescript, or your individual beliefs about who you are and how life is supposed to be.
Belief creates faith. Proof is unnecessary for those who believe; impossible for those who don’t. We decide what is reasonable to believe based on our experiences and our critical reasoning. The conscious mind can only know as much as it has experienced, explored or been taught to know. It reflects the limited knowledge and abilities of the individual being expressed at that particular time. When the conscious mind has the physical knowledge and experience, the subconscious mind incorporates it into the memory bank and makes it available to access in the future. The conscious teaches the subconscious with more knowledge and experience about the beliefs in the way things are.
The conscious mind is ruled by belief. When you set a goal, your beliefs about success or failure determine the outcome. Imagination enhances belief in the results. Conscious, subconscious and SuperConscious all work together in divine harmony. As physical beings, the individual conscious mind is in a position to direct evolution of the spiritual experience. The key to the success of that evolution is belief and faith.
The subconscious mind is ruled by faith and will act according to that faith. When you are faithful to the subjective/ subconscious image, you believe that it will appear in the objective/conscious world. You take conscious action based on certainty which sends a clear message to the SuperConscious. The Universal Mind, the SuperConscious responds to the belief in the positive outcome. Thoughts become things. Faith is answered and manifestation results. You experience your life the way you believe it to be.