Patricia Lynn Belkowitz, M.Msc., C.Ht., EFT


The world is a scary place. And it’s not just that way at Halloween! A recent study by Chapman University tells us that 74% of the U.S. population are afraid of corruption in our government. The research shows that more than 60% are afraid of water and air pollution and nearly 60% fear not having enough money. 56% of us are afraid of getting sick and the resulting high medical costs. We fear dealing with the illness or death of a loved one. Anxiety is increasing about the environment and global warming. If you’d like to know more, go to

Fortunately, other research gives us tools to help us cope with our fears. It has been shown that placing your hand over your heart and gently breathing can soothe your mind and your body. A simple action that can be practiced at any time during a stressful day.

When we experience the sensations of touch, the release of oxytocin is activated. Oxytocin is a feel-good hormone which evokes feelings of safety and trust; an immediate antidote to the stress hormone cortisol. Since the mind doesn’t know the difference between what you imagine and what you perceive to be real, it has been found that even recalling memories of moments with trusted loved ones can activate that release of oxytocin. On a visceral level, a sense of reassurance occurs. Everything is okay.

In today’s times of disruption and change, it’s important for each one of us to take a little time out. To “pause” from what you are doing and just take a moment to center yourself. When you take pause, you can connect with your inner wisdom and your heart’s intuition. When you take a moment from whatever it is you are doing, you have an opportunity to see the bigger picture; to listen to your self and make more effective, better choices. You can ask yourself what your heart would say; what your heart would do.

I invite you to try a practice that involves both breath and touch. It only takes a moment to do and the benefits are remarkable. Try it! There is nothing to fear.

1.     Place your hand on your heart; the center of your being. Take a big breath in. And then let it out. And again. Breathe in love and appreciation. Breathe gently, softly, and deeply into the area of your heart. Breathe in well-being. Breathe in a sense of ease or safety or goodness.

2.     And now, knowing that your subconscious mind has a memory of everything you have ever experienced, allow a memory to form. Remember one moment. Choose just one moment when you felt safe. A moment when you felt loved and cherished by another. Just one moment. It doesn’t matter if this moment is with your mother, father, child. This could be with a partner, a friend, a faithful pet.

3.     Let yourself savor the feelings of that moment; feelings of being loved and cherished. Feeling safe. Allow yourself to enjoy and experience these feelings. Give yourself time. After 30 seconds or more, notice any changes in your sense of comfort and ease. Do you feel a little safer? A little less anxious?

Just like anything new, it’s necessary to repeat this practice often. At first, try to do it many times during the day. Repetition will strengthen the new patterns. It will also reinforce the changes in the neural pathways of your brain. Whenever you experience the first sign of feeling upset or fearful, practice this exercise. Reinforce the benefits of your own breath and your own touch. You have  tools which are always available to help you feel safe; to feel powerful.





#heart  #fear #breath #touch #meditation #safe