Patricia Lynn Belkowitz, M.Msc., C.Ht., EFT





You have stress. Day after day after day. And you need a break. We all need a break. And I guarantee that you can afford to take a break. In fact, you can’t afford not to take a break. Living a less stressful life does not require spending a lot of time or money. When you engage in a mindfulness practice, you can stop the stressful patterns of unconscious, unaware, habitual actions and re-actions. Perhaps its time to create a new habit – a good habit – which can help you to let go of stress.

Consider this when practicing mindfulness. It’s a practice. Which means you have to do it over and over again. You have to practice like you’re going to Carnegie Hall. You don’t achieve success without persistent and consistent behavior. Practicing mindfulness is simply a matter of paying attention. It’s more about being than it is about doing. You are simply aware and alive in the moment, fully engaged with all your senses. It’s not that difficult and it’s really very pleasant.

It’s not voodoo or woowoo or magical or mystical, although meditation and mindfulness practices date back thousands of years. Mindfulness is a normal and natural process of perception that you do all the time. It can happen when you are engaged in appreciating the beauty of a sunset or an awesome moment in nature. It can also happen when you enjoy the feel of warm, soapy water and the sensation of washing dishes while you listen to music. Being present in the now moment – the only moment there ever is – allows full awareness of life and the beauty and goodness of being alive. When you are present in the now, you create an emotional imprint of the moment. This emotional imprint enhances the details and strengthens the memory. Mindfulness creates a sense of peace.

Since there will never be a time when it is not now…it is time to begin now. It doesn’t matter how busy you are. It does matter how joyful you are.

Need help? I know the way.