Patricia Lynn Belkowitz, M.Msc., C.Ht., EFT


medicine cabinet

The mind-body connection is a well-established fact. When we think thoughts that are harmful to us on an emotional level, we create discomfort and disease in our physical body. We are hurting ourselves all the time. And sometimes we aren’t even aware that we are doing it. Perhaps you’ve overheard someone say, “This job is killing me.” Or maybe they said, “I am sick and tired of the way my spouse treats me.” Maybe you’ve said it yourself.

Are you aware that The Center for Disease Control states, there is an emotional component in 85% of all illnesses?  In other words, there is no organic cause for the illness. Eighty-five percent! Science tells us that we are capable of creating illness. We can harm ourselves. I think this is a very encouraging fact. It means that we are also capable of creating wellness! The power of the mind is quite remarkable. Often miraculous!

In Dr. Lissa Rankin’s book Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof That You Can Heal Yourself she cites much data that supports this. There are two examples I find fascinating. One is referenced by Anthony Robbin who describes a case of a split personality. One personality was diabetic; the other was not. How can that be? They shared a body which was exposed to the same conditions and diet. One personality exhibited normal blood sugars but when she shifted to the diabetic alter ego, her blood sugars rose. When the personality flipped, so did the blood sugar levels.

Another case was described by Psychiatrist Bennett Braun, author of The Treatment of Multiple Personality Disorder. In this instance, a young man named Timmy exhibited allergic reactions with one personality while the other personality was not affected.  When one personality drank orange juice, Timmy would break into blistering hives. If the allergic personality was in the midst of an allergy attack and he shifted back to the non-allergic personality, the hives would instantly disappear. Again, both personalities live in the same body. What makes the flip?

Most of us only have one mind and one personality living in our body. But that mind/personality has many aspects. One aspect may want to eat chocolate cake. Another aspect may want to have a slender figure. Both aspects are controlled by one mind. The mind is able to make the choice. Your mind is in control of your conscious actions. But sometimes your emotions get tangled. You may feel sad. You may believe that chocolate cake will make you feel happy. And when your emotions enter the picture, your subconscious mind is directing your actions and reactions. Your conscious desire for a slender figure is overtaken by your subconscious belief that food will satisfy your emotional need. Perhaps when emotional needs are ignored, distorted and out of control, the mind feels the need to split apart.

I invite you to consider your level of wellness. Is there a part of you that is suffering from illness? If so, trust that there is also a part of you that is not. There is a part of you that knows what you need to do to heal. If you’ve lost touch with that part, I can help you get back together. You can make a flip and remain there…by the power of your own mind…by the power of your own thoughts.