Allowing and accepting are valuable tools for building abundance. You could be receiving cash and income from unexpected sources and not even recognize it. You must be open to receive. Live your life in eager anticipation for the good that is coming your way. Every penny counts. Count your blessings.
I recently spoke with a man about residual checks he has been receiving. Most of the checks were less than $1; in fact the average was worth only about 15 cents. Although he has been saving them he had no intention of cashing them. Apparently he thought they weren’t worth the effort of signing and depositing into his account.
I was puzzled by his actions. Surely he knew that the checks had value and he wanted to receive abundance in his life. Yet he didn’t recognize it when it was being handed to him! He actually resisted it, instead of allowing it. I pointed out to him that the Universe was always looking for ways to give him whatever he wanted. It was important to recognize this and to be grateful for each and every way that abundance was showing up. Including 15 cents at a time! Literally, pennies from heaven! After our conversation, he planned to cash the checks. He’ll deposit them into a savings account so he can receive all that is coming to him.
On another occasion, a woman spoke to me about a dividend check she had received. Although her father had passed many years ago, a sum was now being given to his estate. Obviously, she was taken by surprise. She imagined that it might be a substantial sum. She considered that this sum may be just the first installment and there would be more to follow. She received $450. She felt disappointed, as if she had been cheated out of her imaginary windfall. A mere $450 wasn’t really worth getting excited about.
I thought she should be excited. $450 handed to her! I asked her if there was something the money would enable her to do or if there was something she wanted to purchase. I encouraged her to consider something that related to her dad. She decided to have some family photos restored, matted and framed. Now, she is reminded of the unexpected abundance she received and feels the gratitude for it. It made her happy to think that her dad was still showering her with gifts. And she is reminded of it whenever she sees the photos.
Allowing yourself to consider the little miracles in your life is a way to open yourself up to receive more. Being aware of the flow of abundance permits you to perceive it more fully and gratefully.
When something is given to us, often we resist because it isn’t packaged the way we expect it to be. It doesn’t look like it’s supposed to look. It’s not the right size. It’s not good enough. You may resist not only pennies from heaven, but a better career, environment or relationship. When you recognize that every opportunity is a choice, you can decide to just say “yes”. Stop resisting your good! Allow it to flow and know that more is on the way!