Patricia Lynn Belkowitz, M.Msc., C.Ht., EFT

Are you unsatisfied with your present weight and body condition? Did you know that your sleeping habits play a major part in your ability to maintain and lose weight?

 The National Sleep Foundation, 2002 “Sleep in America” Poll states that sleep loss is a common problem in America, with 74% of respondents experiencing at least one symptom of sleep disorder a few nights per week or more. Science has shown that sleep loss may increase hunger and affect the body’s metabolism. “Sleep loss is associated with striking alterations in hormone levels that regulate the appetite and may be a contributing factor to obesity,” said Dr. Michael Thorpy, director of the Sleep-Wake Disorders Center at Monroe Medical Center in New York.

If you are experiencing problems maintaining or losing weight, or suffering from sleep disorders, hypnotherapy can help. It can motivate you to make healthful choices about eating, exercise and lifestyle. It can increase your self-confidence and self-esteem. It can reduce stress and promote relaxation. It can also help you to become aware of your patterns and behaviors.

 Are you ready to make changes in your life? Call for an appointment today to begin to change your tomorrows.