Patricia Lynn Belkowitz, M.Msc., C.Ht., EFT






Every day is a new opportunity to begin…to do better, to be better, to practice. Take these steps.

1.         Practice mindfulness. Be aware of the moment. Be aware of your feelings about the moment. Observe your life. Remember that the now moment is the moment of choice…the moment of creation.

2.         Practice gratitude. Appreciate the times of your life. Know that all that you have is a manifestation of your past desire to achieve or acquire it. When you focus on what pleases you, you receive more pleasure.

3.         Practice lovingkindness. Treat yourself and all others with kindness. Everyone will benefit. Let go of fears and focus on feelings of compassion and love. We are all experiencing Life together. We are One.

4.         Practice forgiveness. Let go of all negative emotions. Get over it! When you hold on to the past, you suffer. When you forgive others, you are the one that benefits the most.

5.         Honor your ancestors. You stand on their shoulders.

6.         Honor your legacy. Love unconditionally.

7.         Acknowledge your accomplishments. Praise yourself. If you don’t, who will?

8.         Accept your shortcomings. Know you are doing the best you can. Love and accept yourself as you are.

9.         Set goals. Make a plan to achieve them. Follow the plan.

10.       Master your thoughts. Focus only on the good ones.


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