Patricia Lynn Belkowitz, M.Msc., C.Ht., EFT

Arch in Fog

Steve Jobs said, “Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”

I’ve discovered a common thread in the fabric of my hypnotherapy practice. I enjoy helping people find out who they really are – to self-actualize – to awaken from Spiritual Amnesia.

What is Spiritual Amnesia? And how do you know if you or someone you love is suffering from it?

Perhaps you believe life is happening to you. Or you feel powerless over the way things are. Are you reacting rather than creating?

Maybe you feel out of control. You want things to change but you don’t know how to make that happen. You feel trapped. You feel disconnected from yourself and what makes you happy.

I’d like to share three common symptoms of Spiritual Amnesia and how it can show up in your life. And more importantly, I’d like to offer practical and simple solutions to help you awaken.

Symptom #1

You experience persistent health problems. You lack stamina or energy. You are carrying extra weight. You are not aging well. Your mind-body connection is broken.


A young wife and mother presents with chronic migraine headaches. We discover the conflict of childhood programming of pleasing others at the expense of pleasing herself. She gives herself permission to dance. Her headaches disappear.


Eliminate negative self-talk! Appreciate your talents and gifts. Treat yourself with the same loving respect you give to others. Love and accept yourself as you are right now. Appreciate your body and how it serves you.

Daydream and imagine yourself in a state of physical wellbeing and health. If you can see it, you can be it.

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross tells us “take the pain and learn to accept it, not as a curse or a punishment but as a gift to you with a very, very specific purpose.”

Symptom #2

You are short-tempered and anxious. You yell at your kids. You ignore your spouse and your sex life suffers. You feel the pressures of the unknown future. You’re depressed about the past. Everything is out of control.


A woman presents with anxiety, depression and anger issues. We confront her childhood traumas and sexual abuse. We give voice to her anger and frustration. She is empowered by her newfound ability to speak up for herself and face the future without fear. She takes control of her feelings about the past and discovers a sense of peace and understanding.


You do not need to control the behavior of others in order to thrive. Give yourself permission to let go of the past. Your attention to things that hurt you continues to hurt you. It is, in fact, what keeps you from thriving.

Whenever you feel stress, take a moment to take a breath. Learn to evoke the relaxation response. Harvard Medical School studies show that deep breathing and mindful meditation for 10 minutes daily reduces the effects of stress and anxiety.

Napoleon Hill says “If you don’t control what you think, you can’t control what you do.”

Symptom #3

You suffer financial stress. You feel lack and frustration about cash flow. No matter how hard you work, you can’t seem to get ahead. You fail. There is never enough money.


A man presents in need of motivation and focus. He wants success and he’s willing to work hard for it. He realizes his self-imposed limitations and fears. We discover the words of his father etched into his psyche. “You’re worthless. You’ll never amount to anything.” When he learns to believe in himself and the value of his ideas, he achieves his goals.


The mind doesn’t know the difference between what you imagine and what you perceive as reality. When you see yourself as wealthy and successful, your mind becomes comfortable with it. Your confidence is boosted and you are able to achieve your goals. Visualize! Use your inner eye to create your outer world. Your imagination uses your mind to think and your heart to feel. Anything you want to do or have or be is possible.

Woodrow Wilson tells us “You are not here merely to make a living. You are here in order to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world, and you impoverish yourself if you forget the errand.”

You impoverish yourself when you forget who you are. You impoverish all of us when you forget the errand. Give yourself permission to listen to your inner voice and wake up to a life of joy. Wake up from Spiritual Amnesia and remember your power to create.