Patricia Lynn Belkowitz, M.Msc., C.Ht., EFT

stop sign


Sometimes we get warning signs from the Universe and we don’t notice. We are not paying attention to subtle signals.  It may be something like stubbing your toe or getting stuck in traffic. How can that be a warning sign? Whether it is having an accident and getting injured; losing your possessions or breaking them; having arguments with those you love or getting sick….each of these signs is an indication that your vibrational energy is out of whack. It’s as if you’ve stuck a fork into an electrical outlet. You are jangled and jagged.

When you encounter one of these warning signs, consider that what has happened may be related to the thought that you were just having or that action you just took. That thought may not be taking you where you want to be. The Universe may be slowing you down or stopping you from doing something that is not in your best interest. If something breaks, you are being forced to replace it…probably something you needed to do but you didn’t do. Maybe you thought you couldn’t afford to fix it. Maybe you didn’t want to take responsibility for it. Now you have no choice. It must be done. Sometimes a warning comes in the form of a snide remark or a dirty look. How are you behaving in that moment? Your integrity is a reflection of how you act when no one is watching. Someone is always watching. Check yourself.

C.S. Lewis tells us, “What I like about experience is that it is such an honest thing. You may take any number of wrong turnings; but keep your eyes open and you will not be allowed to go very far before the warning signs appear. You may have deceived yourself, but experience is not trying to deceive you. The Universe rings true wherever you fairly test it.”

These warnings mean that you need to stop for a moment and center yourself. You need to adjust your vibrational frequency to be aligned with what you want. That uneasy feeling in your gut may be a warning that what you are thinking about makes you feel fearful. Stop thinking that way. Instead, take a deep breath and step away from the situation. If you’re able, take a moment to meditate and connect with your inner wisdom. The Universe is waiting for you to stop and listen. When you pay attention to the warnings, you’re able to respond in a way that will stop the negative momentum.

When you recognize a warning sign, don’t focus on it.  As you think about it, you align yourself with that lower vibrational frequency. You are thinking about what you don’t want! And therefore, you are attracting that. Look at the warning signs in the same way as you would look at traffic signs. A simple “stop” sign. A pause. A message to look both ways before moving forward. Move on from it.

Everything in the Universe vibrates, albeit at different vibrations. When you heed the warning signs that your vibration is not aligned with your best self: focus on loving yourself; focus your attention on what you want. Focus on the thoughts, feelings and actions that resonate with your Soul. When you are vibrating at that frequency, there is no need for “stop” signs. You have a green light to go wherever you want to go.

“As I began to love myself, I found that anguish and emotional suffering are only warning signs that I was living against my own truth. Today, I know, this is Authenticity.”  ~ Charlie Chaplinstop sign