Nov 3, 2009 | Hypnotherapy, Pain Management
Pain Management: Olafur Palsson, Psy.D., clinical psychologist and director of the Behavioral Medicine Clinic at the Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk, Va., states that hypnosis can help you manage pain by changing your perception of the pain sensation. ...
Nov 2, 2009 | Fitness, Hypnotherapy
Are you unsatisfied with your present weight and body condition? Did you know that your sleeping habits play a major part in your ability to maintain and lose weight? The National Sleep Foundation, 2002 “Sleep in America” Poll states that sleep loss is a common...
Nov 2, 2009 | Hypnotherapy, Positive Thinking
beau·ty (by›“t¶) n., pl. beau·ties. 1. A delightful quality associated with harmony of form or color, excellence of craftsmanship, truthfulness, originality, or another property. Beauty is an elusive concept, considering “beauty is in the eye of the...
Oct 29, 2009 | Hypnotherapy, Sexuality
Anna Freud wrote that “sex is something you do, sexuality is something you are.” There is a difference between the act of sex and the individual experience of our sexuality. Sexuality is an intrinsic part of who we are. Hypnotherapy, imagery and meridian tapping are...
Oct 29, 2009 | Hypnotherapy
When we understand something, we’re better able to take advantage of its features or qualities. I’m sure some of you have a VCR you’re unable to program. Perhaps a camera or computer with enough bells and whistles to create a symphony and you’re only able to...