Patricia Lynn Belkowitz, M.Msc., C.Ht., EFT

Mindful or Mind Full?

      “It makes no difference what the clock says or what the calendars says. It is still now and always will be now.” Joe Goldsmith A new year. That’s what the calendar tells us. That’s what the stroke of midnight signifies on December 31st. We have...

Faith & Experience

Years ago, Bill Moyers interviewed Joseph Campbell, an American mythologist, writer and lecturer. Moyers asked him, “Are you a man of faith?” Campbell laughed and responded, “I don’t need faith; I have experience.” When you have experienced, you move beyond faith to a...

Love Yourself First

  February is the month when we celebrate Valentine’s Day, which makes one think of love and romance. Love is a whole lot more than romance. “Love” is a word that holds many meanings. Sometimes we think we love someone but then come to realize that we were only...

Freedom to Celebrate Gratitude

As a society, we set aside a day each year to gather, feast and be thankful. We are free to join the celebration in any way we see fit. On Thanksgiving Day, we each celebrate our own unique version of gratitude. Even though most homes will be feasting on turkey and...