Patricia Lynn Belkowitz, M.Msc., C.Ht., EFT

Imaginary Surgery

Mind over matter strikes again! ABC news recently reported a story about people who were hypnotized to imagine they had undergone gastric banding surgery. Very promising and sometimes stunning results were achieved. The mind doesn’t know the difference between what is...

Sweets or Self-Hypnosis?

  Breaking the Emotional Eating Cycle Are you reaching for cookies or ice cream when you feel lonely, stressed or upset? There is a biological reason we reach for sweets when we’re feeling low. Elizabeth Somer, R.D., in her book Food & Mood says “The very...

Change Your Mind. Change Your Body.

“The key to permanent weight loss is changing the attitudes, feelings and habits that determine what, when, why, how often and how much you eat.” (“You Can Think Yourself Thin” by Dianne Hales, Parade Magazine, January, 2005).  Dr. Dean Ornish, author of Eat More,...