Patricia Lynn Belkowitz, M.Msc., C.Ht., EFT

A Length of Rope. A Brick Wall.

  Sometimes we cannot see the way out of a situation even when it is right in front of us. We feel trapped by circumstances, unaware that we have the ability to change them. We create false limitations and erroneous beliefs. We build prisons and lock ourselves...

Doing the Holiday Thing

If you celebrate the Christmas holiday, the calendar is a constant reminder that there are only so many shopping days left. Time is running out! The days are flying by! You have gifts to buy. Cookies to bake. A tree to decorate. There are parties to plan and to...

Your Mind’s Medicine Cabinet

  Are you aware of the happy chemicals that live in your body? Did you know that you produce your own medicine? And you can write your own prescription! Dopamine, Serotonin, Oxytocin, and Endorphins are responsible for your feelings of happiness. Many things can...

Is Happiness the Opposite of Success?

  The conventional idea of success has many factors. Is it wealth and material status symbols like a big house and a fancy car? Is it experiences of traveling the world? Is it long-term relationships and a sense of belonging? Is it a prominent career? Does it...

Good Riddance!

Recently, I read this bit of wisdom. “Get rid of anything that isn’t useful, beautiful or joyful.” We could all use that thought as a guideline to approach the task of freeing ourselves from troublesome people or unwanted things. As summer comes to an end we may...

Finding Joy, Bringing Joy

The ancient Egyptians believed that one’s afterlife depended on answering two questions. “Did you find joy? Did you bring joy?” It is so much easier to find joy and to give joy when you live from the inside out. Joy is different from happiness. Happiness can come from...